NCAA adds sanctions for Ohio State, Tressel gets 5-yr Show Cause

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by cadillacattack, Dec 20, 2011.

  1. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    looks like Ohio State's self-imposed penalties didn't measure up to the NCAA viewpoint. OSU offered-up 5 schollies over a 3 year period, and a 2 year Probation.

    NCAA added 4 additional scholarship losses (9 total over 3 years) , a 3-Year Probation period, and a 1-Year Bowl Ban next season.

    Additionally, they slapped Tressel with a 5-Year Show Cause, effectively blacklisting him from the college coaching profession for his role in covering-up the Buckeyes scandal.

    Ohio State saying they won't appeal.

    First time I can remember a program getting a Bowl Ban without being charged with LOIC. OSU's juniors will be eligible to transfer immediately without having to sit out the 1-year mandatory waiting period.
  2. Meathead

    Meathead Founding Member

    Was USC charged with LOIC? They had to sit out the post season this year.
  3. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    absolutely. Remember, USC also had major violations in basketball in addition to the Reggie Bush mess.
  4. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    Couldn't happen to a nicer university or head coach (Urban Meyer).

    Slime ball takes over for a slime ball.
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  5. bhelmLSU

    bhelmLSU Founding Member Staff Member

    Still have no clue why OSU didn't self impose the bowl ban to this year.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    And miss the Gator Bowl? :hihi:
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  7. lsudolemite

    lsudolemite CodeJockey Extraordinaire

    It's complete horse sh*t they didn't get slapped with LOIC. If their documented history doesn't meet the definition, then nothing does.
  8. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    It was a most corrupt program over the entire tenure of Tressel's at tOSU. It started with Maurice Clarett and everybody thinking it had nothing to do with the honorable Jim Tressel back then. Little did we know what trash he was.
  9. GregLSU


    Those sweater vests were no mistake, what better way to break the rules than do it while dressed like Mr.Rogers.
  10. diamondheadtiger

    diamondheadtiger Founding Member

    Cum's angina acting up....

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