If you had looked, you would have seen it on another thread on this site, as Marine Tiger so noted one minute before I made this post. :hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
Can we please get over the Auburn obsession? I mean, yeah, they are a rival, but if we beat them and lose to everyone else, what will our record be? We sound a lot like Greenie fans when it comes to their obsession with beating us.
I intend to do the same....... :hihi: BTW..the picture is a classic, no matter how many times posted..... :rofl:
My Auburn board would love this one but I won't put it there. :hihi: I agree with you. I think most of us are sick of talking about it. I was thinking the other day.........I believe there has been more internet chat about Auburn and the MNC than if we had actually won it. If we had won it, it would be old news by this time and seldom mentioned
In a related suggestion, don't you think it's high time to put references to last year---hell, to ALL past seasons---on the shelf for a bit? I mean, the start of the NEW season is, like, only 50 days away. It's almost time to make some new history, so the hell with what's in the past...at least through February or so.