To any of you LSU fans that are able to reach the national media via talk shows, etc., please address the following: LSU should be ranked #1 right now. WE are the defending National Champions and should remain so until we are defeated. The AP is supposed to REPORT the news, not create it, so I am sickened by the popularity contest that has become the current BCS. Yes I think USC should have played LSU last year, but I think LSU would have beaten them considerably worse. Should LSU, OU and USC all unlikely win out this year, I guarantee you LSU will be the team left out, and that's just wrong. Everybody knows LSU has clearly a tougher schedule this year than USC and OU, as well as many other teams, so if that is the reasoning for ranking us lower, let us lose and you can adjust accordingly. If it is because we have lost a few players, again, let us lose and adjust accordingly. The fact that we are not as popular in the national media illustrates what most Tiger Fans have known for years, a national bias. We are the National Champions and should remain so until we lose. ldskule: :champs: :geaux: :laflagwav
That'll make what LSU does this year all the more Sweeter ... Sweeter than Sugar ... Orange sweet :geaux:
We should not be ranked #1 at the beginning of this year. The team out of last year's top five that returns the most starters should start the year off at #1, and I believe that is Oklahoma followed by Georgia. My top 5 would be Oklahoma, Georgia, LSU, USC, and Miami. I do think we are a much better team than the Condoms of USuck however!!
But sadly until Louisiana has as many residents as California to boost the media's ratings, they will continue to choose USC. As for OU being ranked up there as well, I guess the AP guys felt sorry for them. My advice- All LSU fans should be overly nice to the national media. Let’s win them over with our great food and maybe get them a lil intoxicated just for fun. This bias can work in our favor if we play our cards right.
Could not agree more. I try to look at it objectivly and if Team A won the NC and had 2 returning players while Team B lost to them the previous year in the NC and returned everyone, the latter team should be ranked higher next year BTW, who cares anyway? If LSU takes care of business we will be fine.
Well I think this is a ridiculous request. We should quit whining about the media. We lose more respect by complaining than we gain by just sitting back and biting our tongues. We are getting more respect than we ever have and we will get more if we win. So relax. More respect will come with more success.
Beaver smack With a mascot like that, do you REALLY think you can run any smack? We all know what y'all really mean when you named your conference the PAC-10. :dis: try that stuff down here and we'll put you under the jail, or send you to USC. Enjoy the opening kickoff: your excitement and enthusiasm will end there
Whining my azz! I'm just telling it like it is. I'm not requesting anybody to get on the air and whine, but I think the issue should be addressed and corrected. Apparently a few people posting here have not watched any fights, or are so young they don't know the history of such events as ND being picked over LSU to go to a bowl game, etc. When you become the champion, you remain so until you retire or get beat. I can dismiss the Allburnt posters/Wobegon St. posters for their remarks, but not those of a true Tiger fan. Three of you above could learn a lot from LSUBatgirl..
Being a "true" Tiger fan does not necessarily constitute seeing the world through purple colored glasses. I simply call it like I see it, and I feel that I have an objective viewpoint on this situation.