I went up to the woods and stayed at a friend's camp 1 night over the weekend with my son b/c we were going canoeing with a large group the next day. Anyways, I saw this pile of shit when my son and I were riding 4 wheelers. I think I know what it is, but I wanted to get your opinions (especially yours, tiga). What animal left this?
That's what I was thinking. There are black bears (or at least 1) on his property. They have pictures of it on their trail cam and one guy even saw it cross a clear cut while he was up on a ladder stand during deer season last year. I saw the bear scat with what seemed like berries in it and I jumped off the 4 wheeler and took a picture of it. I told my son that it was from a bear. There were quite a few piles of it throughout the property.
I would've thought racoons. Did a search and to my surprise there's a lot of raccoon shyt out there. Not conclusive though. You be the judge. http://icwdm.org/inspection/browndroppingsbldg.asp
OOOOOOK this thread wasn't a typo and not talking about kittens.........I need to take a shower after stumbling in here.