I have a great deal of respect for Notre Dame. It was only 40 years ago that Southern schools would not play them because they were Catholic. They dealt with a lot of bigorty and persevered inspite of all that. And yes they are a media darling, but how could they not be.. ND lore is almost bigger than college football. Its part of the way we talk. Professional Wrestling had its 4 Horsemen, wonder if they borrowed that from Notre Dame? Who hasn't told someone to win one for the Gipper? Every walk on who makes a name for himself is referenced to Rudy. Then there is Touchdown Jesus, how awesome is that? I admit it proudly, I love Notre Dame. Not as much as LSU. Not nearly as much. But they are a program I will always cheer for.
You are either with ND or against them. It honestly has nothing to do with their tradition, academics, or anything else. As for me, I have been rooting against them since I could walk. Down with the Domers!!!
Notre Dame is to NCAA football, as the Yankees are to baseball, the most loved and hated teams at the same time.