Living here in Ops, Callier got greedy. He cleaned up the dope heads on the streets, but got greedy with officer Trahan and defrauded the feds on bike patrol money in the housing projects that they pocketed. It's all good till you get caught. He did get a slap by the judge, but he can't be in law enforcement again, ever. So sad for such a highly decorated military man and police officer. As far as crossing the tracks in Melville.....:rofl: BTW, if you like to pay speeding tickets, be sure you speed when passing through Port Barre, Krotz Springs or Livonia on HWY190. Port Barre PD will snag you at the Chase bank coming from BR for sure.:angryfire
Last ticket I got was on 71 just west of Krotz Springs.Good thing I know people who know people.:thumb::hihi:
I was born and raised in Opelousas and went to the Easy-E for a couple years before having to transfer to NLU. It seems like things are getting worse in the O everytime I go home. Its amazing, Callier misapporpriates about $30,000 and is ran out of town while you have Jefferson with over $100,000 in his freezer and he gets re-elected. Justice served:dis: :dis: