I love picking and teasing with most LSU fans. If one gets really upset, I just log off. Kind of like walking off. But seriously, I would like to ask a favor of you. IF you go to DC and go to the Wall..........I would like for you to just put your hand on that wall and remember the Col. If it doesn't offend you, I would appreciate a simple prayer asking our Maker to remember the Col. and some friends. I don't know your religious preference. If this post offends you, just pass it over. But------thanks
Col Reb: I've been to the wall a few times. I remember visiting the Vietnam Wall after I read the book We Were Soldiers Once . . . and Young. I wanted to see the names of the men who died in the Battle of the Ia Drang in November, 1965. The names are there. The names of the Special Forces KIA/MIA are also at the US Army Special Ops Command building at Fort Bragg. They are on brass plaques on a nice plaza by the flagpole. I expect that Pat Tillman's name will be there soon. The Rangers are Special Ops forces, and Corporal Patrick Tillman's name will be inscribed on the brass plaque along with those who died in Mogadishu and Vietnam. Cpl. Tillman is passed on now to Valhalla and is currently feasting and drinking in the Hall of Heroes with his fallen brothers. Col Reb: why don't you tell us the names of your buddies that you lost in Vietnam? We'll say some prayers for them and ask them to welcome Cpl. Pat Tillman as one of their own. The Vietnam vets that I meet now talk to me more as "one of their own" now that I've been in the service so long. I enjoy talking to them "brother to brother!"
Gee after living in North MS for 15 years and seeing all the postal workers around here and how IMMENSLY laid back, lack of work ethic they seem to have...... EXCUSe me if I dont just tremble OK? i dont hate you col reb i just hate ole piss. and all the little titles they cling to like a piece of drift wood in an ocean full of SEC teams that actually claim the real deal. You'll excuse me if after walking in the second day after LSU won the NC and a rabid Ole Piss fan told me "Welp two more and you'll be as good as us" WTF was he thinking? I mean you CAN GO LOOK IT UP for gawds sake. ONE NC ONE thats it. ONE not three, not four, not one and one that was almost or contreverssial, not three, ONE! I don't care what the trophy's at Ole PISS joke hall say on them, the official NCAA stats say ONE. Why is this so hard to grasp? Now Im not boasting because if LSU counted every lil pea knuckle NC that was bestowed upon them, LSU would be loaded with them. But they don't because no one else does, EXCEPT OLE PISS. lefire:
Maybe you are unfortunate enough to be one of those type people that just seem to be able to find the obnixious 1 per cent found at every school. Yes. OM has some too. Especially those usually found wearing a dark blue sport coat and a red and blue tie. (with or without a "toddy") Couldn't resist. I only remember one true NC. But everyone wants to count different things, usually to their benefit. I remember Cannon's runback. I remember the rematch in the Sugar. LSU was voted as the NC before the SB. That was the way it was done then. Bowl games were more of a reward for the players. (Boy--that changed huh?) Had the voting been after the game, LSU probably would not have been NC. They got beat 21-0. Remember, I said probaby/not without a doubt. Who knows? But you can't change the rules to fit your desires. Not even OM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately, some people cannot admit to defeat. But it happens in every game. That's a good attitude for life. Just not always the best in other things. Me? I like LSU some. But I respect them a heck of a lot more.
I'll try to find time to do that soon. I am about to leave for the doc's office now. Colonoscopy time tomorrow am. :shock: Time for the gallon of GO-Lite this pm. What a joke. I'll go but it won't be lightly. Last time I had polyps. He burned them off and preforated my colon. Momma's baby boy got some sick. One week in hospital. Thanks Doc. Not too bad though. Just clear liquids today. Sent the wife out for vodka and Sprite. Just teasing................. :cry: :sob:
Cannon's runback was in 1959, the year after LSU won the NC. LSU lost to Tennessee the week after the Cannon run and then lost to OM in the 1960 Sugar Bowl. In 1959 Syracuse was 11-0 and was the National Champion.
My mistake. That was a while back. They say you can learn something new everyday. LIKE---Angry tigers do not make for pleasant playmates.
SEE! thats what I'm talking about I've been all around the SEC and NO WHERE do they alter the facts of history to suit the TEAM like Ole MISS. However it makes Ole miss or Archie look best is how the story gets told, it doesn't matter if it really happened or not. Gee, i wonder if Clinton was REALLy from OXFORD? I might have to find out the low down on this from a friend of mine in StarkVegas, better known to us here as MOO U.