And they don't pee either. Hell, John Wayne made 100 films and didn't stop to take a leak in any of them.
Man, where was I when this thread took off (and apparently made point-5 past light speed, making the Kessel run in 2 parsecs)? Two things I think I can add at this point: Regarding all of the continuity questions, seems like I can remember when the original took off, that Lucas said he actually had 9 stories written, divided into 3 trilogies. Not foreseeing the success of Star Wars, he chose Episode 4 to film because it was the easiest to work as a stand-alone story? He wasn't worried about Vader knowing the droids or Chewie knowing Yoda because he didn't figure on making the previous stories into movies. Has anyone else noticed that chain smokers don't get that the exchange between Obi-wan and the kid in the bar (Attack of the Clones) about "death sticks" is a reference to cigarettes?
I thought the same thing, I remember reading seeing that somewhere, but not sure the wikis make it sound like Star Wars was just a changing single script. After success he expanded to trilogy, and not sure when the prequel trilogy came up, haven't heard about a third he is writing. Everything after Return of the Jedi is already forming up by various other Arthurs, Lucas doesn't have much to do in this era, he has liscensed it away. The old republic era is being developed into a game, and books to follow.
That was the story in 1982. By the time Episode 1 came out, Lucas was saying that the third trilogy was only a rumor.
Actually Lucas/Lucasfilm has final say in everything that goes on in the expanded universe. He has apparently vetoed entire story lines.
over the last 3 days, I've re-watched episodes 4,5,6 thanks to this thread. this seems as good a spot as any to list a few complaints about the 2004 reissue on DVD. 1. why did they replace the ghost of the old man anakin at the end of 6 with Hayden Christiansen? 2. if they had that capability, and were "improving" the movies with newer computer technology, why not put in the sweet looking CGI yoda from 2 & 3. 3. haven't seen episode 1 in years, buy why did they use a yoda puppet that looked sh!ttier than the one used in 5 & 6? 4. how come more females didn't have their boob pop out like that dancing girl in Jabba's place in episode 6?
Continuity, I suppose. Anakin never really existed as a good-looking old man so when they did the Jedi ghost thing, he would revert to his old Jedi self as a young man. My question would be . . . why didn't Obi-wan revert to his good-looking young Jedi image instead of his elder Jedi image? Gravitas will still get him laid, clearly. Homage to Frank Oz, the worlds greatest puppeteer. It really was some of the best puppet work ever done. I'm still upset they gave us only a few minutes of Carrie Fisher in a harem outfit. She was hot, hot, hot in the 70's and they kept her in baggy gowns or coveralls for most of all three films. What a waste . . . I guess they learned something. Natalie Portman changes fabulous costumes about every 8 minutes in the Episodes 1-2-3.
Lucas stated he did this to show the Anakin that fell to the darkside was the redeemed in the Force. Episode III has some pretty nice side boob during the Opera scene. Watch for the woman in the white dress. She was the same species as Jabba's dancer, Twi'lik. Maybe so Luke could recognize him. Exactly.
But didnt he redeem himself at the end of Return when he had Luke take his helmet off and I always thought that to live in the Force was just a become one with the Force in their present form