Piss and moan. Welcome to America, the land where you have the freedom to speak your mind and the freedom to take the d@mn scarf off. Serious, you do not have to keep it on, but that is up to you.
I feel badly for the few Muslim girls at my school who wear the scarf. I never know if they truly believe in it, or if their parents force it on them. Probably the latter. The boys aren't branded that way, of course. They get to look like the American kids.
I don't think discrimination was the point being made, but that it was the all-inclusive, bring everybody together, change the earth, Obama campaign that did it. In light of the crap he would take from everybody for being seen with a muslim supporter, it's entirely understandable. But it's bad luck that it got out. Pretty much a lose-lose for his campaign. He is finding out the hard way how you can't be all things, to all people.
Obviously why he did it. It isnt a big deal at all but it is incredibly sad that even though both sides know why it was done they will still beat this issue to death. We realllllllly need to shorten the election season.
Was talking to a good friend today about that very thing. We decided since Americans are enraptured with reality shows, we should just throw all the candidates in a house for 6 weeks like Big Brother. We would only have to watch them for 1 hour/week, and at the end of 6 weeks, the craftiest, most conniving person gets to run things. They wouldn't need campaign donations because of tv sponsorship and we wouldn't have to look/hear them for longer than a couple of months. We could really get to the core of each person pretty fast too. This is the kind of campaign reform I could get behind...
It's all a show. Every minute detail is scrutinized, so it probably has to be that way. That's the price we pay for 24-7 access.