nothing funny about financial crimes unrelated to the campaign,.. a special prosecutor is bound and must follow the paths of all the crimes he uncovers,.. and we're talking about a lot of money, $18mil laundered and $75 mil sent to off shore accounts. A lot about money laundering is going to come out during the Manafort trial. The same Russian oliogarths and mafioso big shots that have been rumored dealing with Manafort, these same guys have also been associated with Trump for decades. I honestly think money laundering is a real threat to Trump, and he should fry for that, but I don't want this to become about clerical errors, or cheating on Melania either,.. Trump's not behind bars nor out of the woods,.. the investigation continues
good sarcasm, basically how Ken Starr's investigation made Clinton's full 2nd term a "lame duck",.. this aint going away anytime soon Charlie