I say MSU runs 75% between the tackles ... A & B gaps They gonna line up & run right up the middle until they're stopped ... then comes the fun with the Cam clone ... ahem ... Whutzhisname As for LSU's first 10 plays ... I'd love to see some long passes against man coverage, especially on first down ... But they'll likely "baby Jarrett Lee" and let him hand a few off Hope this doesn't leave us 3 & out on the first series! We can slaughter this team if we beat the man coverage ... They will stack the box and dare Lee to throw!!!
I agree, Les is going to test the waters in between the tackles early and see whats cookin. If its there, we pound it on them all night, if its not, we go the air, get the defense honest, and then back in between the tackles and pound it on them all night. Like Cliff says "Warey of the Blue Ford TrucK" Les Miles is gonna drive the bad boy right down your throat! Enjoy the ride Bulldogs!
I think we run inside and outside. We haven't shown too much of a toss sweep or sprint-draw yet, but with pulling guards like T-Bob and Blackwell and a good blocking fullback . . . these tailbacks can take it outside if State is giving it.
9 straight running plays. After our 3rd first down of the opening drive... Lee dumps a pass over the middle to a streaking DeAngelo Peterson for a TD. Gonna be a long night for the dogs...
You are right, we really have shown what our RB's can do in open space, I know Ford is a slippery little guy and with Ware DB's dont know if we gonna to cut or come right at you