I really wish something like this would have happened in 1998 or 1999, or better yet, not at all... But it is out of our control. I just hope that this doesn't affect our season too tremendously. No UNT game is fine. All it means is that we may very well have a OSU or Troy type game when we meet ASU. We very well could have a VT type game if we play THERE. I think we could lose handily, then things get worse as we're thrust into the SEC with a pretty good Tennessee team. I know there are A LOT more important things to worry about than LSU football, I'm just trying to get my mind off of this storm. I sure hope these boys understand that they're going to have to BUST ASS to stay afloat this fball season. But, maybe all of this adversity will make them tougher. They already lost Alley and Kuale, plus they're just going to be HUNGRY since being off when everyone else gets to play a game.
I think this team will come out ready to roll. This team showed tons of heart last year in the come from behind games. I would hate to be ASU right now coming into Death Valley with this team waiting to blow off some steam. A huge win would make some feel a bit better. GEAUX TIGERS....... LSU! :lsup: :laflagwav :usaflagwa
The problem is there is a make shift hospital on campus man. People (evacuees, Red Cross, volunteers) have to be able to get in and out of an area to help people. Bringing 120,000 drunk people onto campus in the middle of that may hinder things, don't you think? Yeah, a game may have to cancelled or moved.....and you said it right. This stuff here, in NO, Slidell etc, is not recreational. These games are compared to what's happening here.
Well, I think they will have things off campus by Sept. 6th. that's when school starts back up. The game, even though I could care less at this point, will be in Baton Rouge. It needs to be in my point of view. Baseball wwas in New York not long after 9/11, why not have college football back in Louisiana.