For goodness sakes clairice, you're now a walking stat book. In this case, those stats are all meaningless as they are not going up against the same exact teams each year. In name sure they are, but in players no.
you are right... UCLA is better this year, and they destroyed them... but the same goes for ND... they are better, and the margin was less... but you can say QB ratings are meaningless and things, b/c those stats ARE meaningless... but margin of victory isn't an unimportant factor, and this is the closest thing to proof that we have to compare, and I think SC this year is better, b/c they are harder to stop....
They are extremely one dimensional. Almost every game was a shootout, of course there were exceptions. I am not nieve enough to think their offense is not great, but i saw many a games where their defense was miserable.
with a month to prepare, Petey will slow down ANYONE... he had 3 weeks for UCLA and look what happened there
*LSUGradin99 watches ESPN* ........ later on in the day: *LSUGradin99 reads clairice's posts on Tiger Forums* ECHO ECHO ECHO
I'm sorry clair, but I cannot take you seriously while looking at tater tot's picture every time you post. For goodness sakes, mon! Change that avatar.