My wife and I flew in late last night for the game from San Antonio. We connected with a Southwest plane that originated in Portland and had over 50% OSU fans. Most of them pretty nice, except for the excessive amount of OSU fight songs during the trip. We were actually the only Tiger Fansh in route on the trip. Actually got heckled a little, and just when I was getting ready to get upset, I turned to my wife and realized that I take comfort knowing that come Saturday morning, this is only a 1/10th of what they will feel like. They started chanting "Beaver Bait" at me, as I joked back. As we were landing, they were singing their fight song again, and one of the fans quipped. "We are going to stun the Tigers". Which gave a cheer to about 40 people on the flight, I quickly replied. "This is always like to plane ride to Vegas. Partying, talking, and optimism on the way, and pure and utter disgust on the way back" Actually got a pretty good laugh from the crowd for that. Still looking for Tickets. GEAUX TIGERS! :champs:
Unlike those rowdy fans on that plane who experienced the high point of their trip while on the flight, you and your wife are going to savor the fun when it truly counts - Game Time!
It also helped that when you turned to your wife she happend to be drop dead gorgeous. I'd be in a good mood all the time! Hope you can get some tickets.
Yes, although she will kill me If we don't get tickets. I'm thinking our chances are better if she is holding her 2 fingers up looking for them instead of me. GEAUX TIGERS!