They've been running a few good stories on this topic down at espn the past couple days... I find this stuff really interesting. There's this whole other world behind the curtains that nobody even really knows about. Does LSU have any high powered boosters?
This is an old article with nothing more substantial than Tater Tot Bowden's rants. He is a born liar, raised in the household of the Head Criminole. No question Lowder is a very influential guy in Auburn affairs because he gives a ton of money, All schools have these kind of people. bama has Paul Bryant, Jr. Oklahoma State has T. Boone Pickens who gave the over a $100M just this week. If Lowder was guilty of everything he is accused of "having his fingerprints" on, his fingers would be smooth by now. Bottomline of all this.....if the schools don't want the big donors meddling, quit taking their money.
It may be a subject that isn't new, but it isn't an old article. I know Fish has been in contact with several sports reporters around the SEC since this article was put up on I grant you it is a cursory piece. In fact, up until Weds he didn't know that Jimmy Rane was the Great Southern Wood Jimmy Rane. The subject of Raymond Weaver and Carnell's summer employment has been broached also. You are correct that every school has big money booster who donate a lot of money to their respective schools. However, you don't find schools with their biggest booster also the person running the BOT. The Chette/Rane/Lowder/Barron/Hall circle isn't the norm in the college football realm. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what the BOT at Auburn does...but, when the subject of losing the SACS accreditation was in jeopardy, it was an embarassment to the state of Alabama. To say the least, the filing to prevent SACS from investigating the situation only made the situation more suspect. Honestly, do you realize what losing SACS would have cost your University? Lastly, you saw just a couple of years what Tennessee went through when ESPN locked onto them for a year or so. If this guy gets something to chew on the publicity isn't going to be fun.
Not trying to defend the BarnYard but wasnt this just another article in a series ESPN is doing about boosters? I thought they had one every day this week on different boosters.
Correct, and PT is correct also. This is an old article that was re-run as part of this week's series. The article scheduled for today , for example, was also a re-run from last spring. I believe the title was "Boosters Gone Wild" or similar, and is just a re-hash of the details included in the original. Anyway, it's much ado about little. I despise Lowder and his meddling ways, but in his defense, he gives nearly as much money to Alabama as he does to Auburn .... but i notice that Mike Fish conveniently left that out..... as he left alot of things out , except the innuendo. seem to be a very level headed poster but i have to comment on a couple of things. 1. You say Lowder runs the Auburn BOT. How do you know that? Have you ever been to a BOT meeting? Or are you just saying what you have read and heard? I can tell you I have met him, been to BOT meetings, etc. And what you and others insinuate just isn't true. The fact is that a lot of other people are jealous of what Lowder does for Auburn and would love to see him taken down. Do you realy believe that all the other BOTs, who are distinguished people in their own right, would let Lowder push them around? 2. SACS is a big joke. No it would not have been a huge deal if they left us on probation. They were just pissed that Auburn didn't bow down to them. Much more distinguished groups like ABET pased us with flying colors. I am on the Auburn Engineering Advisory Council so I say what I do with some basis of fact. SACS is just nasty liitle group of pisants. 3. You mention "Chette." Surely you aren't referring to Chette Wiliams,our team Chaplain and head of the Auburn FCA.
Better do a little more research my friend (see caddilacattack's post above). Going into battle with poor info will get a Marine in deep trouble.:thumb:
I've never been to a BOT meeting at AU. Can't say that I would want to either. I get that statement by hearing comments from people who were closely associated with Seigleman and Fob. Neither am I saying that other BOT members allow Lowder to "push them around." However, you have to admit when there has been public record of Colonial Bank holding notes, mortgages and loans to various BOT members it does raise the eyebrow of suspicion. SACS isn't a big joke. If Auburn University would have lost the accreditation from SACS the diploma's issued by Auburn wouldn't be worth the paper they were written on. Seriously. Not only would the diploma's lost value, the school would not have been able to receive any type of federal assistance in the form of Government backed student loans, Pell Grants, monies for research...the list goes on. It was have severely crippled the education system in the entire state, not just at Auburn. Universities...all the way down to your proprietary schools have to have that accreditation.