Who said it will be a handshake? It could be a punch !!! Saban might try a cheap shot as Les walks up to him. I doubt it though. He is better saying things behind les back.
Saban will be so impressed with Miles' win... he's going to goose him instead of shaking his hand to see how big those Lesticles really are.
Saban will stick his hand out and ask for money. J/K. Regardless of outcome, it will be a nonevent. Maybe we should ask Fran to the game and send him out to greet Saban. He has a history with Bama and Saban. I'm sure both have forgiven him by now. You think ?
Totally stole this from another board: Les will walk up to Saban, act like he's going to shake his hand, then do the "you can't see me" hand thingie, turn around and sprint to the locker room.
Oh man, that was classic! And to think it was started by an LSU fan showing off his writing skills and posting it on the internet. Maybe someone can do something similar for this game.:hihi:
Win or lose, I think he should just shake hands like a gentleman, smile, and say, "I sure am glad you decided to leave LSU." Then walk off.