Miles in his first season

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by lsu-i-like, Nov 21, 2005.

  1. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    I have voiced my displeasure and nitpicked the performance of the team all season, which may have labled me as a negative poster. I would like to say that though I was disappointed during the first half against Ole Miss, we really turned things around in the second half and looked good. I'm still not ready to say we've arrived because Ole Miss isn't that good. We looked good against Vanderbilt in the fourth quarter earlier this season and I felt we had turned the corner. Now that makes me take the attitude of wait and see.

    I will say, that in Miles' first season, to date and despite the flaws, I am satisfied with his performance. I am STILL reserved in my optimism, because in his first season, I think most of us were optimistic about Mike Archer. I don't think we have another Mike Archer here, Miles had success at Oklahoma State when Oklahoma was a terror. I feel that LSU can sustain a long run of dominance under Les Miles. I will go so far as to say that I feel as good about our program now as I did with Nick Saban a year ago. I even feel like Les Miles can expand on that.

    Arkansas is our next game, and I like our chances to win. Regardless of our opponent in the bowl game, I hope we play hard and win. I'm still holding out hope that we will win out and go to the Rose Bowl. It would be amazing if that happened; does anyone remember how they felt when they found out LSU was playing for the NC in 2003. I was totally shocked and almost in a state of disbelief. The Miami loss brought us one step closer. Geaux tigers, its time for a cushion du-lait.

    At this point I give Miles a B+. That loss to Tennessee is hard to swallow, but our state was dealing with Katrina and our team was still in the early stages of looking for an identity. We still could have (and should have) won that game.
  2. stk

    stk Founding Member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I don't see how anyone can truly have any major beef about what Miles has done here so far. I also think that pretty much everyone here would agree that there are certain areas that need some serious improvement to take this team to the next level, and we're of course all hoping that comes with time and tenure of Miles at LSU.

    In any event i'd be more than happy to see CFN give us the "Worst Game Of The Weekend" award every single weekend.
  3. lsu-i-like

    lsu-i-like Playoff advocate

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Agreed on that; it may be boring for the rest of the country, but I love it.
  4. Nutriaitch

    Nutriaitch Fear the Buoy

    Nov 16, 2005
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    Miles has done little this year to warrant any love or hate. He came in and done pretty much exactly what was expected of him. That makes it a little tough to grade him. The one thing he deserves a ton of credit for, is holding this team together and not allowing the early season commotion to become a distraction. Extra points for not using it as an excuse after the Tenn. game(unlike another in-state coach, no names mentioned...Haslett). NO ONE should pass judgement on him until we can see a more complete body of work.
  5. TigerPrideLSU

    TigerPrideLSU Founding Member

    Dec 8, 2003
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    Man, when I saw on the ABC that LSU was playing for the national championship, it was a feeling like none other. I was outside the stadium watching it with a bunch of fans and the ABC affiliate in New Orleans on this small TV. We just went nuts outside of the athletic department.
  6. LSUDork

    LSUDork LSU Drumline '00-'04

    Sep 16, 2005
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    Satisfied? We're 9 and freaking 1 without any bye weeks in between. We won't have one either. You should be ELATED!! Flaws and inconsistencies aside, they won the games. Given the new coaching staff, hurricane stuff and all the distractions that come with them, this season is remarkable.

    Let's go roast some ham!!
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Well aren't you special.
  8. tigerworld

    tigerworld Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    Les will lead us to the natl champ game this year or very shortly this team is loaded with talent. And with the class he is bringing in this year i see domination and the glory years of LSU football ahead of us. It is great to be a Tiger Fan right now :geauxtige
  9. goldengirlfan

    goldengirlfan simple man

    Dec 31, 2003
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    I'm game, I guess. How do you cook a cushion ?:lol:
  10. CalcoTiger

    CalcoTiger Live Long and Prosper IVI

    Mar 4, 2003
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    My comments on Coach Miles:

    1.) Your first year at a school is always tough when you follow someone that had alot of success. Not to mention getting to know your new coaches and personnel .

    2.) Coach Miles is not a great interview. Words dont flow with ease during his responses. Saban is a little more comfortable public speaker. I think that is what unnerves people the most. Not that he isnt a good Coach but his presence.

    3.) I think Coach Miles has good football knowledge and does a good job managing the games. I dont always agree with every decision but i dont have too. And most of those turned out in his favor.

    4.) He has handled himself as a class person and showed a lot of positive in situations where he could have asked why is this happenning. It shows Character, Integrity, and i think Coach Miles is a great Man and is a good person. I am glad to have him as our Coach.

    5.) He is doing a good job recruiting and if we can close out this recruiting class well we will be set to continue our strong program and winning ways.

    I think the future of LSU Football looks bright and i am happy with the direction this program is heading.

    We will all question the Coaches on certain things and point out this and that but on the whole with all this team and Coaching staff have been through it shows heart and determination. And we have managed to pull through adversity with our heads held high and a lot to be proud of as Tiger Fans.

    Thanks Coach Miles and Coaching staff for a great year and lets keep it rolling.

    Geauxxxxxxxxx Tigerssssssssss

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