Grabbed this from DD this morning. Nice observation about Miles compared to other coaches. I like a coach that shows emotion, but can keep it under control like Miles appears to do. Reader comments: Don, the more I see of the new SEC hotshot coaches, the more I appreciate Les Miles. Dan Mullen and Wes Muschamp act like maniacs when they perceive a bad call and they are constantly whining and complaining to the refs often chasing after them on the field. Derrick Dooley erupts and throws his headset to the ground and is also a whiner. Meanwhile, Les Miles stays in control and is able to continue coaching without having to recover from the outbursts.
Speaking of Dooley, I have lost all respect for him after running off the field with the intent of not shaking hands. Could not believe that CLM tracked him down and made sure to shake his hand.
Wes Muschamp's emotions are bound to get the better of him eventually. He was jumping around and fist-pumping like UF had just won the national championship the other day when Tennessee missed a field goal. It wasn't blocked or otherwise interfered with; the kicker just straight-up missed it. Yet Wes (his new name now) seemed to believe that it had something to do with how damn good his gators are.