I emailed Great Cats of Indiana for a photo or some info on heir-apparent to Mike V. I'm sure they won't comply but an email campaign by Tiger fans might help. The email address for the company is: [email protected] I believe the below photo just appeared on the front page of their site in the past few days, could it be?
Re: Mike VI photo Which means a BIG CAT. :thumb: Who needs a dog picture thread - let's start a Mike VI picture thread.
Re: Mike VI photo If this is where were getting mike VI from, then I think the AD may have just stopped PETA dead in their tracks. No offence meant to great cats of indiana and the great work i'm sure they do, but we will most certianly be improving the life of a tiger who may have been abandoned or neglected before they rescued him.
how cool is this quote from the site..... It is an honor and a privilege to have a tiger consider you a friend"
Re: Mike VI photo PETA would only be satisfied if you let all of those cats run free on I-10. They are not to be taken seriously. Any captive tiger in the world would have a better life as Mike VI.