This is a quote from the Florida State AD about the post game fight Saturday at Florida. Hart apologized Monday to Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley for his team's midfield dance on the Gators' emblem, which sparked a fight. He said he and his coaches will put measures in place to make sure it doesn't happen again. "Yes, you should celebrate -- no question in a game like that -- but not at the expense of disrespecting the opponent, who also played their heart out," Hart said. "That's a part of winning with class. We'll make certain that that does not re-occur." Maybe we should email this guy and have him watch the footage of the Gator players stomping on the Tiger Eye this year and ask him to revoke his apology. Anybody know wher eto email him at? Screw the gators!
Apparently their excuse is LSU did that last year in the Swamp, however having been at that game, I never recall such an incident, nor would Saban had allowed it. But thats their story and they are sticking to it. My only point was, there were no gator fans left at the end of the game.
i was there and saw nothing of the sort. granted i was drunk and at the top of the endzone upper deck.....
when did midfield logos become so sacred? I remember a LSU game in the 80's against, guess who, FSU when we fans nearly killed their Indian mascot with flying Oranges because he threw that spear into our logo. if my team was a huge underdog, and we beat an awesome team at home, I would let them dance all over that logo. that builds rivalries...things like that make college football fun. cigars anyone?
I think the Gator response to FSU's stomping of the logo was more from being robbed of the game by the referee's than the actual act itself.
Here is the Gator Fans justifying them stomping on the Eye of the Tiger after an UGA fan called them on it.
I think this debate is childish and getting old. Kids will be Kids and will do things they shouldn't do from time to time. I also believe this is what makes college sports much better than pro. I'm sure LSU has done something like this sometime since the beginning of time. I personnally don't care if someone beats us and then stomps on the middle of the field. I just don't recommend doing it before the game....... Auburn 2 years ago, dumbest move you could ever do...... I just think it serves a purpose in the locker room only. We have much other things to be concerned about, if thats all these kids do is stomp the field. I will admit that I can't wait til the next time Fla and Fla state play after the ending the other day. but it just serves for locker room material. I think kids should be able to have a little more fun in college sports such as the dumb celebration penalty also. Dumb........Dumb........Dumb
I liked Bowden saying "I wish they hadn't done it". Well, gues what assclown? If you didn't want your players to act like that they wouldn't. End of story.
I dislike teams doing that. UGA did it to UT in 2000 and I was embarressed beyond belief. We have such then stopped that crap.
I just love how Florida stomped on our logo but when somebody does it to them they want to fight over it. I very much dislike logo stomping by anybody. Show of disrespect and a lack of class IMO.