Is one of my favorite political voices, he has a great radio program, so great he was banned form going to britain. - Home of The Savage Nation Im curious if you have listened to him do you like he program?
Savage is so far to the right that he makes Rush Limbaugh look like a liberal. I really enjoyed his show when he was on 1300 AM in Batn Rouge. Is there still a local station that carries his show?
I listen on occasion, and when I do it's usually enjoyable. The Britain thing has gotten under his skin, and rightfully so in my opinion when you're on a list that's populated by terrorists. I actually enjoy his stories and other things more than the political stuff, even though I generally (but not always) agree with the political side.
This is where you compare someones rhetoric to Hitler. No better time than in this thread. Savage is a racist pos!
Oh come on MM! Is there anyone who isn't a racist in your opinion?:grin: where did I leave that sarcasm icon?:huh:
I watch Billy O, alot more than you would imagine, he might be racist, but it isnt in my face like savage. But he is also good at what he does.