...is a traitor, and an enemy of the American people, the Iraqi people, and of freedom and democracy. Read his latest upchuck here: http://www.michaelmoore.com/words/index.php He has the gall to compare the Baathist and pro-theocracy thugs in Fallujah and Najaf to the Minutemen who bravely stood for democracy and against authoritarianism in our Revolution (NOT the other way around) and of course, dishonestly presumes that they represent ALL or the MAJORITY of Iraqis, when poll after poll after poll and even a cursory examination of the Iraqi blogs I posted about days earlier indicates that this is not so. His raw seething hatred of George W. Bush is so terrible, HE ACTUALLY WANTS THE BAD GUYS TO WIN! HE WANTS US AND THE IRAQI PEOPLE TO LOSE, hoping it will hurt the President. He hates Bush more than he loves America. He wants Bush out of office more than he wants terrorism and Islamofascism defeated and freedom and liberty to spread. And I'm afraid there are a whole lot of others just like him on his side of the political spectrum. If there was ever a more clear cut case of treason, sedition, deceitfulness, dishonesty, useful idiocy, or just plain idiocy, I can't think of one.
Remember, Michael Moore was called upon by Ralph Nader to join him in his running for the Presidency... Read between the lines...If Michael Moore represents Nader's real agenda...SHEESH!
I wouldn't worry about it. Nader is not going to get elected and he can serve the very useful purpose of taking votes away from Kerry.
That's my whole point...This is the guy that led the charge of Hollywooders who were against the war...and this is his actual mentality... Talk about traitorous and reprehensible...
The only thing that is close to being as sad as that fat, pathetic, shamful American is the fact that he ACTUALLY does get coverage and praise for some of the crap.... Wanna here something funny about Moore? For a while, he has criticized big businesses, the wealthy, and "the people who live lavish houses,etc...." Yet, on (I think it was) Hannity and Colmes, they called him out on living in something like a $2 million penthouse in Manhattan. It was great and it truly exposed his biggest weakness: HE LIES!
Also, I don't have the source, but a group of filmmakers are making a movie entitled "Michael Moore hates America"
My wife talked me into watching Bowling for Columbine, I hated every minute of it and I was correcting him and added my own logic to the mix and came out with far better than what he had going. After reading this tonight I don't like this guy and I will NEVER watch anything this guy does again!
MicaelMooreHatesAmerica.com Another good site: MooreLies.com They expose his documentary here. He basically chops up a bunch of footage, manipulates statistics, etc, etc. It's really not a documentary, it is fiction and they are calling for the Academy to take back the Oscar.