I always liked him and even wrote his parents a congratulatory letter last year on their fine son making Baton Rouge proud. Saw his mom at Piccadilly and introduced myself as the goofball who wrote the nice letter. Hope they don't think I am a stalker! The reason I like him so much is for what he wrote on his tapes (WRIST WRAPS)...not only a fine athlete, but a fine character. Can y'all find a pic of him with his tapes showing? PS. He lead the team huddles after the game too.
Big Ben be damned!!! He's R.O.Y ONLY because he was on a team that had a great defense and two solid, punishing RB's. His stats aren't mind-blowing. His W-L record is impressive, but Clayton's, IMHO, are far more impressive because you just don't see those types of numbers from a rookie WR. W-L record aside, you can find stats like Big Ben's from a number of rookie/first year QB's a lot easier than you can Clayton's stats.