Interesting post on Pro Football Talk today. If I were a player, esp defensive, I would relish the chance to play for Saban. Granted, whomever these players are, they may change their tune after they think about the prospects of actually having a winning season again! MIAMI MUTINY COMING? As the Miami Dolphins prepare to make an offer to Nick Saban for the head coaching position (scroll down for more), we're hearing that many players don't relish the prospect of playing for Saban. A league source tells us that Saban is regarded in some circles as more Tom Coughlin than Bill Belichick -- a hard-charging taskmaster who'll repeatedly drop the M-F-bomb on assistant coaches, players, and anyone else who doesn't do something the precise way Saban wants it done. We've been told that one player's reaction to the news that Saban might be the next head coach was to call his agent and say, "Get me the f--k out of here." Per the source, the word likely will spread throughout the league that potential free agent acquisitions should think twice about coming to Miami, if Saban ends up being the head coach.
Awesome, please forward this story to Nick and perpetuate the idea of Nick being a total A-hole! Nick would at least have to take this into consideration
This is grabbing at straws fellas. These are the exact kind of players Saban would be kicking to the curb anyway. There are plenty of NFL players that dont have that "tude"... Just look at the Patriots for a good example.
Disciplinarians like Saban are not popular with NFL players right now. Many players make more money than the head coach and at many teams are more valuable to the team than the coach. General Managers have released coaches rather than have to trade an All-pro player if they can't get along. This is why Nick is insisting on complete control of the program from Miami. If he controls personel decisions, he will get a whole lot less insolence from his prima-donna athletes because they can't play him off against the organization honcho's. Nick could just trade any player that doesn't like his style and not worry that the GM will fire him.