This. The guy in Mamou is the one who "made" them. Mike McGee. The pots are exact replicas of the old Magnalites. Here's a link. You have to register to view the products. Guillory Wholesaler Your Cast Iron Cookware Provider
Or oder online at Doucet's Hardware in Lafayette. Looking at their prices I can tell you it's worth the time to register with Guillory Wholesale in Mamou. Tell you what. If you see one you like, and aren't in a big hurry, I can get one for you from Mike in Mamou at wholesale price and mail it to you. You can send me a check for the pot/shipping when you get it.
I couldn't find a way to register. There was a login, but no register. I could see the pots, but no prices.
You can call Guillory wholesale @ 337-468-5269. I would gladly do the same for you if you need my help.
Thanks tiga. I may be needing something in the next few months. I bookmarked the link and will call on you if needed. :thumb:
I never got to the point of needing the pot I was thinking of. However, I still may at some point. Glad you knocked the dust off of this.