I skimmed an article in USA Today about the Mayoral race in New Orleans. Nagin is not running for obvious reasons but the big issue is the five year residency rule. All the people who came to help out after the storm have missed out by a few months. They typical set of misfits are currently set to run but of those who are out but have expressed interest is Mitch Landrieu and James Carville. In fact, Carville said if it weren't for the rule, he would definitely run. I think he would be a great mayor personally. I wonder how this shakes out. Edit: Found the article..... http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2009-10-06-new-orleans-mayor_N.htm
I would consider moving to NOLA just to vote. I don't even care about his political convictions, promises, or ability to do the job. What sane man wold NOT vote for Apollo Creed??? The only way he should lose is if Clubber Lang decides to run. Then he gets my vote without question. "I pity the fool that don't vote for Clubber Lang for mayor!?
James Carville??? As Mayor???? I think not. Those who can't do, teach. I am tired of giving my money to the poor. I don't have enough to keep handing it out. Mitch Landrieu is i think the lesser of two evils, but Louisiana is tired of family politics. Time for new blood. I think Mary is doing an okay job in Washington. I love her passion for coastal restoration even though no one is listening. I am for Brad Pitt. As strange as it sounds I think his ignorance on politics would be beneficial to the city. "Was is this for? Not important? Throw it out!" Carl Weathers? I know that show is not going to make it so he will be free, but no way in hell I would vote for him. I like Rob Couhig and John Georges. Unfortunately both of them supported Nagin for a second term. Everyone makes mistakes, right??? I would like to see a fiscally conservative Caucasian mayor or a VERY independent, conservative black MAN. The racial pressure from the black preachers is too much for a black mayor. They run this city. You can make a time line when they got to Nagin. P.S. My first choice was Arnie Fielkow but he recently bowed out to focus on giving city council a doubling pay raise.
Until the demographics of the city change, I don't think there's much hope for New Orleans being anything but a tourist destination. Corrupt politics and racially-motivated issues will keep business away. Go to the airport. Unless there's a big event (Mardi Gras, Sugar Bowl, Jazz Fest) the airport is a ghost town. There are few business travelers here to spend money and even fewer corporations lookings to relocate personnel to the city. We may use the excuse they're afraid of hurricanes but I don't think that's the issue. Crime, filth, excessive amounts of public housing, unaccompanied children walking the streets at all hours, and constant use of the race card will keep any quality company from coming here. Has there been a good mayor of New Orleans since any of us have been living? If you say yes....you must be very old!