Maybe..Just Maybe...Nick has (long)

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by coolcorgi, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. dscott3

    dscott3 Founding Member

    Germans in the Pacific?

    Auburn education at work.
    At LSU we learned that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
  2. COramprat

    COramprat Simma Da Na

    It's obvious you have never seen Animal House... :usaflagwa

    Anyway...I don't mind the long posts. If it gives a good point of view with some thought out opinions it's not a problem. The attacks on someone wanting to convey their that is what ticks me off.
  3. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    Um, wow. This makes me feel a little better... maybe. Whatever gives me more to believe he might stay...
  4. coolcorgi

    coolcorgi Freshman

    You could be correcto-mundo Bengaleze.....

    I don't, however, subscribe to, nor am I indicating here or in past post... any vast Saban, or any other, conspiracy.

    As "long" as my first post was, it was entirely impossible to "connect" Saban's intense/thorough on and off the field strategems and dogged "personality" which does and will factor into "our" situation, regardless of his decision. No conspiracy, just such extreme analysis and calculation, that Saban's "one track mind/focus" can betray his nature such that, despite there being only 13 seconds remaining on clock...... with LSU winning by 27; Saban immediately goes balistic over a mistake/play involving the 3rd string!!

    I do not believe that Saban planned or is using this job offer and media coverage exclusively or intentionally "To win himself and LSU The 2005 National Football Championship." But I've seen him use the media before precisely for the same purpose; and would never squander any opportunity to use again.

    MAYBE........JUST it possible, perhaps...............

    That knowing Saban can use the power of the media to respond/answer questions in a way whereby he skillfully "psyces" whomever, whatever to gain competetive advantage?...........While, at same time, he still honestly & professionally answers reporter's question!......... BUT HIS UNDERLYING "MESSAGE" IS QUITE DIFFERENT and HIS REAL PURPOSE, CONCERN & MOTIVATION, (for those with ears that hear and eyes which see), IS TO INCREASE/DECREASE VARIOUS ODDS, ASPECTS, CONDITIONS TO WIN GAMES!!

    I'm guess I'm just trying to maintain hope, while combining some past observations/analogies I've witnessed Saban deftly utilize. Again, I think this is one incredible aspect of Saban's entire "generalship" of the game that often goes un-noticed. Many, by his design, do not recognize the huge significance he "subtlely" gains by "turning the tables" on the media!!

    Like it, Realize it...Accept or No; The media is a huge aspect of this Industry and Football. It is now playing a huge role in this very situation we find ourselves in. The television networks, print media.... by in large.... creates, promotes and to a primary degree "fund" the enormous player/coach salaries which is paramount.

    I must also accept reality and remember, "Its just a game,"......"right"? "Nobody analyzes, plans, recruits, negotiates, compensates to such extremes.....just to win football games and Titles"!!?!.... "Huh"?

    One thing is certain. Whether planned, aware, utilized.............if Saban stays, goes or is tragically killed in a plane crash (no conspiracy theory Bengal)............

    **True champions and consistent winners are tapping into, monitoring and using many subtle "realities" that loosers simply don't, can't are unaware of, mis-read and/or mis-apply!!**

    My "gut" feeling is.......SABAN STAYS and WE WIN NCAA in 2005!

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