It has been obvious, well accepted & generally agreed that Saban was no big fan of the "Press/Media". The talking heads and press were no big fan of his either. Nick was unpredictable and would never play their "Rah Rah Promo Bull**** Spin" with the network fags in the suits. Most people felt that Nick regarded the media aspect of the job as something necessary, like..... "taking medicine". Right?? Not in my opinion! I think this was one of his strongest abilities. He utilized it to perfection. He played them perfectly. One of the best "politicians" and salesmen I have ever witnessed as a Coach. He was subtle. Many missed the underlying "message", strategy and agenda he was always advancing. Saban always kept the media guessing. He kept them off guard and gave them with no control. That was one of the coolest things about Nick. He put them in their place. We all know the nature/character of the media. So does Saban. The network "suits" knew where they stood with Nick. They still worshiped him and the skill, talent he possessed regarding "thier" business. They knew he knew what they purported to know. He was their master. When he spoke, they went to work analyzing and hanging on his every word. Nick knew this. In fact he planned, set up and utilizes to his and his teams success!! It's part of the game. Anything that can effect or have any bearing on winning football games; Nick Saban is aware of, plans for and if/when necessary....master and conquer! I'm no genius and do not profess to no much about the X + O 's of football. However, I do a fair amount about communication, motivation, negotiation and how, through various methods, manners, modes it can precisely be employed to cause specific action, behavior and produce desired results.....especially when/where people are involved. It is my profession. We depoly, transact and harvest with usual success. We can "spot it", "see it", "calculate it" like algebra. Now I do consider Nick Saban to be a genius at football. And it is evident to me, in my professional and humble capacity, that Nick Saban manipulates and uses with great skill the network and print media to augment the success he causes in football. I know its a wild card, but I have seen him do it before. Maybe......Just Maybe.....Could he be arranging, planning, preparing..........for LSU's 2005 National Championship Run?!!? DO NOT PUT IT PAST HIM !!!! He knows next year we have a most excellent chance to "take it all". HE HAS A ONE TRACK MIND.....AND DOES NOT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS......AND WOULD DO ANYTHING, EVERYTHING.... AND ESPECIALLY THINGS NO ONE ELSE COULD/WOULD THINK OF TO WIN. THAT'S WHY HE IS GREAT. HE WON'T TELL OR EXPOSE HIS SECRETS/STRATEGY......HE'LL TAKE THE HEAT PUBLICLY, BE UNPOPULAR, RISK TEMPORARY RIDICULE.........TO ACCOMPLISH THE FINAL GOAL!! He would use the media sparingly. But use them he did. If one LISTENED VERY CAREFULLY and was "ATTUNED" to the specific challenge or need LSU had at that moment............. "whatever situation, climate, scedule, date/game, team emotion & mental state, current media bull****/bias, momentum, rankings, bowl and/or national championship prospects"..... Whatever LSU was faced with, whatever stood in the way of LSU..... WINNING THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP That is what I would hear Nick "fixing" or "preparing", sometimes mentally, when he spoke with the media!! He was very subtle. He verbalized, acted whatever "message" was necessary to influence his players, other players and their coaches, LSU fans, etc. It was the "non-chalance" but carefully chosen words and attitude that "set the tone" and caused the "winning mentality, energy, emotion, character" he successfully GOT from his players, fans and ulitmately bowl officials. He played it perfectly last year. When asked what he thought about his team deserving or "right" to play for the National Championship......Nick humbly and respectfully said that those decisions should be "Left to the powers/people who's job it was to make those decisions;" while "Our job was to focus/prepare for our next game and to controll what we could!" This is precisely what the "powers to be wanted to hear". It was All American, College Tradition, American Work Ethic stuff!! Compare that to the whining, crying, pleading, begging USC and Pete Carrol embarrased themselves nationally with. So.....what's my point? Don't rule out the analytical, methodical, intense "one track mind" Saban is constantly using and made of. Lets say he comes out just before XMass and announces to Baton Rouge and LSU Fans everywhere that he............. "Has never witnessed more passionate, loyal, deserving, devoted, intense fans with such genuine "character" and "look" of real appreciation to what we ALL have been able to accomplish for the Program, the Players, the University. That after carefull consideration he realized what he/we had and had begun, built with the tremendous opportunity and intense support, talent and commitment level rampant & ravinous..........that in all his years involved with football programs anywhere/everywhere...........nothing, nowhere can or ever will match the love, loyalty and intensely passionate desire to win....... like I have experienced and witnessed here at LSU." How would that effect the enthusiasm, passion, energy going into..... NEXT YEAR? Do you think this would make a difference in recruiting? How do you think the team and players would react, committ, work, practice? I think Nick's got unfinished business here and with the NCAA. And he knows that next year might be HIS BEST SHOT to "run the table". Look at our schedule. He knows what he's got here at LSU. Is proud of what he has worked for and what's been accomplished, put in motion, and has built. He is committed to his players and wants whats best for them, him and LSU. It's human nature to be afraid and resist change. Staying is the logical, easy, most popular choice. He's already here. How fun is is to move? What will be the situation, challenge, personalities, safety, security in Miami? What does he have here? What are his odds of success here? There? Maybe........Just Maybe....... This is one more of Nick's carefull, methodical, analytical strategies and calculations. He is a master with the media! Using the media, building the intensity/emotion, preparing the team and fans for.... What? Nick is much smarter, very cunning and will "do" and utilize What? WIN!.....What? It All......How? *2005 N.C.A.A. Undisputed National Football Champions* LSU TIGERS I think he wants USC's and Pete Carrol's Scalps! Imagine, just difficult it has to be to walk away from LSU and Baton Rouge. The emotion, passion, energy. The People. The Fans. The Stadium & Stable of Athletes he has recruited and has access to. How does a King step down and depart his people, nation? For what? To do What? I don't see it brother! It's just too thick here. How will the "spirits" and "the force" allow a man, his soul and body to ..........? This is South Louisiana. French. Huey Long will intercede. Nick has met his match in intensity, resiliency and passion. LSU....LSU.....LSU.....LSU......
To believe this, you have to believe Saban will do anything to win, including negotiate in bad faith with the Dolphins. I don't buy it. I think Saban has integrity, and this is not all just a scam. He is negotiating for real, and to not have turned the job down by now, I think he will go, unless he reaches an impass with Hizenga. If Hizenga wants him bad enough, and has a little poor judgement, he'll probably throw in the kitchen sink.
One rule on here we need to institute: If a post is 4 million pages long (as is this one), you can't hit the Quote Reply button. Geez!
Apologize for Long Post..... Sorry for rambling. May have been very first post ever to a forum. I, like many other LSU faithfull here , am worn thin and distraught over potentially loosing the best LSU coach in my life time. I agree with earlier post that this "manipulation" does seem dishonest, selfish and would smack of Nick having no interest in NFL/Miami and strictly using media for his & LSU gain. But consider, though, how powerfull, pervasive, selfish and manipulative the media and other's use of it is? Would it not be necessary to fight "fire with fire"? We have unfortunately seen "politics" and the media's attempt to kidnap and hold ransom what was one of the last "level playing fields"; where talent/coaching and rules of the game for 60 minutes were played out in public view of all. It makes me sick to now see this "bias" and spin occurring in College Athletics/Sports, as we have long before known and been forced to accept it with the MainStreamMedia on the national-political arena. Keep in mind, that I do not think Nick "went to them". What would you do, if you were at the top of your field and another similar corporate entity came calling with huge $$$? We, nor Saban, can control or stop this head-hunting. Can't players do the same thing? I think LSU benefits from this in many ways. I do think that Nick IS and WILL continue to help LSU in every way he can while/as he is "true to himself as well"! I maintain, it is going to be VERY difficult for any man to escape the "cut it with a knife" enthusiasm/passion/emotion found no where else coupled with our century of tradition, the Football "Dynasty" here at LSU, Sports Complex/Facilities/University, Most Beautifull Women on Earth, DeathValley and the absolute Greatest Fans on the planet including the Romans and thier Colisseum!
No offense but.. .... I think you are way out thinking yourself on this one. All the conspiracy theorists love to dream up Tom Clancy style senarios which are quite interesting to read and tantalizingly attractive to believe, but when it's all said and done, it will be pretty tame and straight forward. I had to convince the wife and kids and make a tough decision.