I got the Sugar Bowl edition of Sooners Illustrated and in it they compare this game to the 2001 Orange Bowl against Fla. St. They are comparing Matt Mauck to Chris Weinke and believe that if they can shut down our running game, which they are confident they can, then Matt Mauck will be rattled and pressured into making mistakes. They feel we are very similar to that FSU team and that their defense is better this year than that year. Personally, I felt that at the end of that year, at that time, LSU would have beaten both of those teams. Everything I hear indicates they don't have a lot of faith in their O-line to stop our D rush. During the first 10 games, they gave up only 12 sacks. In the next three, they gave up 11, 5 by lowly Baylor. To quote the mag,"It's pass protection has been shaky in recent games.". According to the mag, their run game has all but disappeared. They got 221 yds. against Ok. St and 342 against A&M but since have gotten 56-Baylor, 78-Texas Tech, 83-KSt., 2.4 yds. per attempt, exactly LSU's average. Again to quote the mag, "Against LSU, the Sooners ground game could be a zero unless the line musters an A-plus effort up front.". I hope Chad, Marcus, Marquise and Kyle Williams and the reinforcements are mad as a nest of hornets about the OU d getting all the pub and awards and beat the livin' hell out of 'em!! GIVE'EM HELL TIGERS!!!!!
the o-line & d-line is the key! can your d-line beat our o-line if so and get to Jason we are in deep trouble the same goes for our d-line and your o-line. This is going to be a great game and of course I think OU wins, but as a OU fan I should feel this way! Mike it was great meeting you last night come back after the game and I will pour you a beer! BOOMER SOONER!
You're spot on, Mike. KSU hit 'em in the mouth, stuffed the run and kept hitting White, AND IT WAS ALL OVER BUT THE SHOUTING! Watch that right side of OU's Offensive line. Watch the Baylor game tape too ... if you can get it. We don't have any BIG AWARDS ... but after the Sugar Bowl ... they'll all know who Marquise Hill is ... BIG TIME ~M~I~S~M~A~T~C~H~ on that RIGHT side. And, Stoops knows it! What can he do about it? Nothing ... add a blocking back ... White is TOO LAME to run. I am so confident LSU's Dee will DOMINATE THIS ENTIRE GAME ... after watching tape on 6 of OU's games ... I really feel sorry for this poor bastid. I pity him and the 25+ hard licks he'll take. On the Offensive side of the coin ... OU won't stuff our run ... and will be susceptible to the big play ... expect Vincent to break a few big ones ... Mauck's mobility will give OU the same problems Ell Roberson & KSU did. Mauck & Co. will be able to RUN on this team. As for Mauck making mistakes under pressure ... that is the BIGGEST OF ALL OU HEEEEHAWWWS ... watch KSU game and see White choke BIGTIME ... I especially enjoyed the 3rd down and goal interception thrown over the middle in a crowd ... at least Mauck has the BRAINS to take a sack. And the hype goes ... well White has only 10 INTs on the whole year. Mauck has ... 12. LOL ... and White has 0 TDs & 2 INTs against Blitzing Pressure Dee schemes. KSU took the Baylor film and ate OK's lunch. Outstanding coaching. This OU defense is about as good as Georgia's ... and White is no better than David Greene and I'm not impressed ... LSU wins VERY BIG.
I hate to say it but you are in for a rude awakening! Mauck = Roberson? Mauck has never made a mistake, "at least Mauck has the BRAINS to take a sack." LSU's D will dominate the entire game? :dis: I guess you are certainly entitled to your opinion. OU's loss to KSU was the worst thing that could have happened for LSU. Take care and, Boomer Sooner!!
Personally I don't think y'all loss to KSU will have any affect on LSU. The point being that LSU is very capable to beating OU. Who is ready to play will win.
No, I don't think it will affect LSU at all either. I think it will affect OU though. I think, before the Big XII Championship game, OU didn't believe that KSU could beat them. They were proven wrong, very wrong. LSU is fully capable of beating OU, but OU can win the game if they get back to what made them so dominant during t he regular season. They have to be hungry and play with no mercy! I believe that will be the team you see in the Sugar. Take care! Boomer Sooner!!
Which would be playing teams with no defense. Beating K-State may have given OU an attitude adjustment but I don't think any extra incentive is needed to get fired up for THE national championship game.
D Rex, all of the stuff I wrote came from YOUR magazine! I didn't make any of it up. It's your writer saying it. GEAUX TIGERS2003 CONFERENCE CHAMPIONSHIP, GOTONE? :geaux::lsug: :geaux: :lsug: :geaux: :lsug:
No, it has nothing to do with "incentive" or being "fired up", it has more to do with being over-confident. With the loss to KSU they no longer have the belief that they are invincible. They realize that if they don't properly prepare and respect the opponent that they can/will lose. OU will play the best game of the season on Jan 4th. Hopefully, for LSU fans, LSU won't appear as just another one of those "teams with no defense." Take care and, Boomer Sooner!!