I have read some of the post since this weekends loss and I see a lot of people blaming Flynn. I think the Tigers scored 28 before the game ended. The Defense did not play. It was not Flynn that lost the game. If you score 28 with a defense like LSU you should win every game. I also believe we had six dropped passes in the game. If the receivers actually make those catches then Flynn has a very respectable night. Lets put the blame where it belongs. If all this has been posted which I am sure it has I am sorry but I believe we were 6-0 before tis weekend and I believe or offense scored enough to win the game. Or defense did not play well. That was the problem not Flynn. I will agree that he should play better but he did not loose this game. JMO
ya definetly. Flynn through many good passes that should and could have been caught- especially the one dropped in the endzone.
That's what the coaches thought too, that's why they put it on cruise control, and we Lost the damn game.
I'm not a RP fan or a Flynn fan... I am an LSU fan. Which means I will cheer for whatever, QB, RB, Kicker, Defensive Tackle, Nose Guard, Center, Safety, Linebacker, Reciever, Punt Returner, etc. takes the field. I don't care what their name is, what number is on their jersey, what school they came from or what their stats say because at that moment in time they are the player on the field who can make the play to help us win.
Finally some sanity on this board!! Other than drops, I also think there have been some mis-comunication between him and his receivers at times. On the pass where he over threw Lafell (when he had the open sideline for some serious yardage), Flynn, thought he was going to turn the route up-field. Probably would have been a good idea, and that's what guys like Bowe and Davis did the last few years. Lafell didn't turn up, so the ball went over his head, to the area Flynn thought he would be. Everybody is slamming Flnn for it, but I'm thinking Lafell is everybit as much to blame for it as Flynn. Nobody's mentioning that if only 3 of the drops were caught, he would have matched Heisman candidate Woodson's completion numbers. People have already forgotten about the big scramble for a 1st down Sat. (or the one that set up a short yardage situation in the Florida game). They have forgotten the pass that hit Zinger in his hands (yes it was high, but hell if Warren Sapp can jump up and catch a ball, then a "blocking" tight end should be able to as well). Yes the pass down the sideline was behing Lafell, but it hit him in the facemask!!!! People have either forgotten (or not bothered to look it up) that Flynn's completion percentage was higher than Tebow's (even with the drops LSU had) for only 14 fewer yards, or that Flynn averaged more than 3 yards better per scramble than Tebow did in that same game. For some reason, when Flynn completes just under 60% of his passes for 260 yards in a 25 pt victory, it's not good enough. It baffles me. Everyone automatically assumes all the High School articles about RP are automatically going to translate into college success. They might. They might not. RP has looked good, because the coaching staff has put him in the game in a position to succeed. This is done to build up his confidence, and his teamates confidence in him. Is RP ready to read SEC defenses and check out of a bad call if it doesn't look right? Nobody on this board knows the answer to that. How will he react when his team is down 4 in the 4th quarter of a big conference game, and it's 3rd and 16? Nobody on this board knows the answer to that question either. Will he be a good/great QB for LSU in the near future? Look spromising so far, but we don't know for sure.
A blocking TE in the NFL wouldn't have made that catch. That was just a bad call. Neither Flynn nor Zinger's fault, IMO. As for Flynn, we're too quick to disregard what we see on the field and imagine the player that we wish this 5th year senior would be. There are plenty of ways to blame the WRs or whomever else, but the fact of the matter is that Flynn simply has not played well since the injury. And we only know of his abilities for about three career games before the injury.