To me the funny thing is that President Trump travels often to places he has been before like his golf club in New Jersey or his Florida home while I really dont remember Obama returning to Chicago at all for more than a fund raiser. While commenting on spending... President Trump is the only president I know of that has donated all his salary back to the people, yes, he has not taken a dime and still is lambasted in the media for spending. I find it funny even more so that the tax bill passing companies are given employees bonuses that were not possible in the previous administration. We are trillions in debt already from the previous spending... hell, what's another couple hundred million in travel expense gonna do?
I’ve heard of 1 company giving bonuses and they are also laying off 1000 employees. You have any other examples of this? Here’s a comparison.
Stock market 70 records this year, GDP finally after 8 years above 3%, true conservative appointed to the supreme court, Obamacare mandate to have to buy insurance resended, major tax cut for 90% of Americans, XL Pipeline approved, ANWR open for drilling, stupid fraudulent job killing freedom desroying Paris Cilimte Accord resended, draconian job and business destroying regulations overturned, young conservative circuit court judges apponted in large numbers, handcuffs off our military which is resulting in the total destruction of Isis, new respect for our country and law enforcement, major effort to destroy criminal gangs like MS 13, doing his best to stop ILLEGAL immigration and many other accomplishments. Yeah what a bunch of morons. If all this is moronic in your view you are the moron my dear sir. Am I wrong on any of this?
I know you wouldn't do that because your mouth is still sore from sucking Obama's weenie for 8 years. Just be happy the witch wasn't elected you would have to have eaten that nasty thing for at least 4 years, YUCK!