Lockerbie bomber gets hero's welcome home, in direct contrast to the President's request. CBS Evening News - This will be an interesting test of POTUS's mettle. Will he protest, or will he just let it slide? I'd also like to see some statement of condemnation against the Scottish judge who decided that devil deserved some compassion.
You're slipping, Red. It took you 7 minutes to respond in a snide manner to an anti-Obama post. And where is MM's "Amen"? :hihi:
The smart-ass remark was about his spelling, but I guess you missed that. What makes it an anti-Obama post anyway? Scotland released the terrorist. Obama did the right thing. And Libya didn't give him a hero's welcome. Qadaffi wasn't there. There was no band, no ticker tape parade, no ceremony, no national holiday. There were just a couple of thousand young men who showed up to greet him at the airport and they cheered as they drove him away in an SUV with black windows. This ain't about Obama, as much as knee-jerk conservatives want to make it so. This is about the British government and British Petroleum's deal with Libya for oil. They gave up a guy who is about to die for some secret concessions in the oil trade, no doubt. Not much we can do about it.
TF spell-check has been heard from.:lol: I wasn't being negative at all, SF. I think Obama's request to Libya was entirely appropriate. That it was ignored, imo, is a slap in the face not only to our President, but to the Americans who had to endure the loss of loved ones, and then see the murdering basterd welcomed home like a hero. I hope Obama doesn't let it end like this.
All true. Hero's welcome is a colloquialism in this case. It may not have been an official governmental welcome home, but look at how many people turned out. This was much more than family and friends welcoming a released convict home, in my opinion. It's about Obama in the sense that he made a reasonable request to a foreign government to show respect for the sensitivities of American citizens. I seriously doubt that the BP or the British Government stipulated what kind of return home al-Megrahi received. And don't you think that if they wanted to, the Libyan government could have arranged to slip him quietly into the country with no fanfare? Why so defensive about Obama? I stand by my earlier opinion: I'm not criticizing POTUS, I regard this incident to be a slap in the face of our president, and American sensibilities in general. I hope he will make an appropriate response. Being neither a politician or diplomat, I can't offer an informed opinion on what that response should be.