Check out this article... Finally someone in the media tells it straight!
Quote from the article about sums up my feelings of the BCS: "It's like letting HAL from “2001: A Space Oddysey” pick which bachelorette Bob would have to marry based off written descriptions by a 37 year-old prison inmate. And to make it more BCS accurate, the prison inmate can't see out of his left eye either. And he has a geisha fetish."
Maybe Tiger Fans should email him on this. This guy does a mailbag once a week too.... He has one about "The death of Notre Dame football" and he answered fan mail on that
My favorite part of the article. It bothers me that if both teams win out, the point difference between #2 and #3 will be just a few decimals, someone will be screwed. No matter how the Tigers get to the Sugar this year I really don't care, but I would rather SC lose instead of resting our hopes on how other teams perform.
Maybe Tiger Fans should email him on this. This guy does a mailbag once a week too.... He has one about "The death of Notre Dame football" and he answered fan mail on that