Wait you mean Urban Meyer isn't going to win the NCAA/SEC titles (respectively) of the universe in his first year?
I am so torn on the East. Tennessee is arguably the most over-rated team in the entire country. Florida is arguably the most over-hyped team in the entire country. Georgia has arguably the most players in jail, suspended, or didn't qualify in the entire country Who the hell takes it? South Carolina is in horrible, horrible shape so they won't stand a chance.
Well it is hard to believe it is almost here again . This is what we all live for Football time in Tennessee, oh I am sorry football time in the SEC !! My grandsons team the Tennessee Vols have a lot of good football players over in Knoxville and my grandsons are going all over my house saying "GO VOLS " I keep telling them it is going to be a tough and mean and hungry Tiger waiting in Baton Rouge , but they are hearing things from their dad that the Vols are winners they are going to win it all this year , it is the year of the Vols ,you know how fans are . You know the Vols were that in the 90's and did not do to bad last year with a 3rd string qb from LSU won a tough bowl game . Say what you like under Phil the Vols have had a great run they have never had a losing season under him . I do not know which team will win in Baton Rouge but I do know it is going be a great game , the SECCG will be a blood bath there will not be 20 fans in the stands after the game who will remember the game . You have to understand the Vols fans mind to know what is coming to Baton Rouge the Vol fan knows that LSU took away probably 2 National Championships from them check out the spirit of the Vol fan ROCKY TOP'S SPORTS Picked LSU and TENNESSEE for the SECCG It takes special fans to have a winning team The Spirit of the Vol Fans