tigervision. I will be at the game, but I guarantee you i will not stay til the end this time. Happy to listen to the 4th quarter from my car on the way home. You know traffic is a bitch when you are still driving when Gordy Rush and Hanagriff sign off.
It will be blacked out on ESPN Gameplan in Louisiana and will only be available on Tigervision PPV for $34.50.
It's one's prerogative to leave early, but I would hope you stay for the entire game when we play tough opponents. In years past we were known for our fans leaving the game early. It was great to see almost everyone stay till the end last Saturday.
I guess you didnt notice the massive amount of seat backs that were emply during OT. It really disgusted me.
I stayed until the very end of the UT game, and it took me 1hr 15minutes to travel 85ft to leave the parking lot. In some ways it disgusts me, but in others I can sympathize with them. I'd never leave early though, why come if you don't stay to the bitter/sweet end?
It cant be hard staying till the end of the game for you guys. Try going 5-10 hours to watch a team, AND stay when its out of hand, and not for the better.
The trick is to park off campus. I parked over by walk-ons last weekend and it worked out well. I Stayed to the very end and sang with the band. It was a little hike to get to the car but once I did it was clear sailing down Burbank all the way to Bluebonnet. Once I got to the car it only took about 30 minutes to get to my friends house on O'Neil.