Now that it is the offseason, I am back to making some shirts, mostly for our tailgating group, but I was looking for some more opinions on this HEY TUBERVILLE tshirt. Do you think it needs anything else? Or that I need to change anything? I for one think its pretty good, but I want others to like it as well. Is it too offensive? Can it be too offensive if its about Tuberville? Let me know your thoughts. HEY TUBERVILLE TSHIRT <---Click Here
I understand everyone has to express themself in thier own way, but I personally wouldn't wear this statement. As an over 40 adult I just think someone should set the dresss code example to the kids around the stadium. But that's me.
Thats what I'm looking for. An opinion like that, thanks. I am only 22 so my I don't really know what offends people and what not. I can understand its not for kids but neither is drinking beer and we all do that. But thanks for your opinion.
Yea, I would be hesitant to don the crotch grab Tee! I would prefer something that's a bit more kid-friendly as well. But, I guess there's a reason why our fans are among the most obnoxious in the conference.
Honestly, it's a little tasteless and not very funny. low rent is not a good image for you, your tailgate group or LSU.
NoLimit hit on something I feel as well. I like the idea of the T-Shirt, but I would like to see something that displays a little more class than that. I really feel that T-shirt does nothing to help the perception of LSU fans by other fans. I don't think there's anything wrong with calling out Tuberville, but I think something a little more creative and with more class would be better. Any ideas?
I think it's offensive. As a woman and huge LSU fan, I don't want to be greeted with that, either. That's to say nothing of what the opposing fans will go away thinking.
Why stoop to Tubby's level ? Have a picture of a crystal ball for him to smoke instead if you want to mess with him. Tubby has behaved himself for the most part over the last couple of years. Still don't care for him and wouldn't want him to be our coach.
Not sure when this school went sour puss, its all in fun people. Your looking a little tooo far into this. I did ask for opinions and thats what I got, so thank you. Is there anyone who liked it or found it amusing? ps. the LES GEAUX MILES ones are very simple and anyone (even your kids :thumb: ) , could wear them!
This coming from a guy who calls himself "BlueStateDude" - since when do blue state dudes care about decency and tastefulness?