just blocked a field goal... anyone notice the guy ON TOP of the FSU line? shouldve been a "prudish" penalty...
god damn man, im not complaining... If I make a comment, why does everyone think im complaining? Im not, im just making a observation.... jesus....
so I wasnt the only one then? good... Has any other team been called for that penalty since that fateful LSU game...??
The difference in the play may be the player didn't fall on anyone when he came down? But the first thing I thought about was the Auburn game when I saw the play. 10-1:usaflagwa :laflagwav :geauxtige :thumb:
different situation. the rule states that you can't start the play more than 3 yards away from the line of scrimmage and jump up and land on somebody. You can do it if you line up on the line of scrimmage. your guy ran up and jumped...theirs started on the line.
good insight, thanks aubie, youre good for something after all! haha Chris just got tackled by the ref! what a pussy!
Probably because everyone sees two of these o:o: every time you post... it makes your post look agitated.