The sports guy on WBRZ was wearing one of the retro unis tonight. Nothing special. Just a plain gold uni, no names on back, white lettering on front, purple trim on neck & sleeves. Also, they wil not be wearing those old reall short shorts. The shorts will be same length as those they wear now.
fortunately, no nutters will be worn....much to the demise of the females in attendance of bradys show monday night indicated by the loud moans throughout the audience obviously disappointed. might have been a couple gay dudes mixed in there i dunno. brady said garrett was shaking his head emphatically no about the shorts....then brady said he could just borrow some of his dads old ones. :hihi: :hihi:
that brady is a funny good-natured guy. if his players hate him like i have often heard, then he has me tricked, because they appear to get along fine. except during games when he is a screaming lunatic (like saban, who scares the hell out of me).