SWEEEEET!!! :thumb: DAMN WED NIGHT CLASS!!! :cuss: School or bball game....what do you think I should go to?
They will be wearing them at home for the Kentucky game too. By the way, the throwbacks are form the Maravich days.
I can't wait for this...It should be fun and the students really should take advantage to dress like fools too!
i didnt see a photo of the unis, did i miss it? are the shorts gonna be stupid short? sometimes they go so far as to actually wear the uniform in the fame fit as well as design, like with the negro league baggy baseball unis. anyways, i like it. looking forward to seein it.
I would take some pictures at the game Wednesday but I have found that at basketball games I can't calm down long enough to take pictures. Looking forward to seeing the retro unis too.
I hope they're not playing the games in that goofy gym at vandy. maybe, they're playing the games in the predator's arena??? anybody?
I'd like to see the 1980-81 uniforms with the script Louisiana State on them. IMO if your going to wear a "throwback" uniform then make it ones that either have meaning like a championship team or unis that are unique, different and stand out. I'm glad they are going to honor Pistol Pete but those unis aren't that unique in their look to my knowledge, a very simple LSU on the front.