That was a couple of days ago. The Rose Bowl has USC and Michigan... it's a lock. They put HUGE, HUGE emphasis on Pac 10/Big 10 tradition. LSU vs. ND... done deal... get tickets fast. It's going to be an awesome experience in New Orleans.,0,6645854.story?coll=la-home-headlines "We feel like we're a winner, either way," Sugar Bowl Executive Director Peter Hoolahan said at the SEC championship. Certainly the Sugar Bowl is eager to match either Florida or LSU with Notre Dame, depending on how the national championship game shapes up. If Florida gets a shot at the title, Hoolahan said, then the Tigers will be invited to New Orleans for the Jan. 3 game.
His worst nightmare is about to come true. His ND team getting pasted by the LSU TIGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Projections. The BCS can still re-arrange the matchups. I'm sure Hoolahan would like OSU - UF at the Sugar too. THE ROSE CAN TAKE LSU BEFORE THE SUGAR HAS A CHANCE. Kinda like a draft, Im sure the Titans would like Bush...but NO and TEX were ahead. I'm not saying it will happen, it is a possibility.
That has to be a projection since the Harris poll has not come out yet. But admittedly it is not looking good for the Tigers to go to the Rose Bowl this year. Damn that USC!
The Big 10 despises the idea of losing its conference tie-ins. Hates it. Certainly, everything is projections until it's official. But LSU and the Rose Bowl has a slightly less chance than one of us winning Powerball. I'd love Pasadena as well, but the chance to play Notre Dame in the Sugar is pretty sweet too.
who gets first choice, rose or sugar? would think sugar would get first since their only tie in would be taken while the rose gets atleast one of their tie ins.