I just heard on espn that lsu students and fans were raising hell on the west virginia campus today. Has anyone heard about this? I'm wondering if it wasn't a prank by west virginia students to get the student body fired up...
What I found after a google was that 5 lsu students were on the WV campus and runing into *classrooms* and tiger-baiting students and teachers. They were escorted off campus, but, not arrested (nor set on fire).
Good lord. I find that a funny as it is stupid. Can adults really be that stupid? Surely this isn't true.
A friend of mine's son goes to WVU & was in one of the classroom's. He told me about it at about 11 am this morning.
Indeed it sounds a bit stupid yet makes you love this sports even more! Which other sport on earth can make a student/adult do this so called "stupid" thing?
Not much you can do in this world anymore anyway, so why not? Glad that WVU folks didn't overreact, which seems to be the m.o. these days in many places.