not suprising...
Well, this also isn't one of the so-called "storied rivalry" games that are going on this weeknd. Sure, it's a big one in the minds of LSU and Ole Miss fans, but on a national scale, it doesn't seem to be as big of a deal as, say, Michigan vs. Ohio St.
Every rivaly article I read today had Tenn-Vandy mentioned. Guess playing the lowest team in the west just doesn't measure up, not even as a rivalry.lefire:
If Ole Miss was actually good year in and year out, it would be talked about. To be a true rivalry, the other team has to be consistently good, which Ole Myth is not.
This is a totally unacceptable "slight" ... I mean the game is being played on ESPN 2 ... WTF? I guess the ole maam chant "Hotty-Toddy" just pissed off the press and the network boys ... That's it! I've had it! I'm going on a rampage now ... They think that Auburn gym fire was something ... I'm gonna round up a few of "Marrero's" old pals and we're going up to Oxford and set things right ... Stay tuned ... We'll heat things up a bit. These media "peckerwoodrows" won't forget to include this game next year :thumb: News and flames ... at 10