lsu offense coaching staff 1 win, 3 losses, 2 no decisions

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSU84, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. LSU84

    LSU84 Freshman

    Dec 4, 2002
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    The only game the offense has showed up has been the Fla game. I do not count the ark state and miss state games for the obvious reasons.
    Outcoached by Oreg state, auburn, ga, and troy.
    Bland, repetitive, predictable, smelly, whatever.
    Oline non existent
    TE non existent
    WR respectable, but so much talent, so it is hard to @$@@up to much. Could be so much better with the speed.
    RB unimpressive, but not much of a chance due to crappy o-line
    QB... man, where do you start. Just like the RB's, not much of a chance at times. Both QB's appear able to do only as told. Both QB's are killing us with TO's. O well, this is all so obvious.

    Jimbo's play calling absolutely stinks, we all can see that. But why? How handicapped is he by the robots at QB?
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Glad to see you're having fun. Did you cut and paste this off the Gator Board?
  3. LSU84

    LSU84 Freshman

    Dec 4, 2002
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    O, so sorry.
    Let me give you the Kerry Edwards version.
    The offense is struggling, but trying so hard.
  4. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    You know, its pretty hard for even a good Offensive cord. to make good consistent play calls when you have the most inconsistent QB in the SEC, an offensive line that sometiems shows up, and a group of receivers that is so inexperienced that you never know whether they are going to bust a big one or drop a wide open pass...People always get on here and bust Jimbo or Nick after a game like this and say that Jimbo had a terrible game calling plays or that Nick made a bad decision leaving MArcus in there...,

    Jimbo wasn't the problem. The players were the problem tonight. Marcus didn't show up, nor did the o-line. That means that we couldn't throw the ball consistently nor could we run...So what kind of play is going Jimbo going to call in that case might I ask?

    As for Nick...I think he was searching for some consistency. He would have to be Psychic to know which QB was going to show up. I think for once, he wanted to leave Marcus in there to see if he could have gotten things going. Until we find a consistent Qb, until our O-line plays better, and until our WR mature a little, expect the rest of the season to be like this...Off and On...Off and on...Off and on...I just hope we can win the off games like last night...
  5. Capt Fun

    Capt Fun Founding Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    hhhmmmm...same offensive coordinator that put up record numbers 3 years ago, swicthed QB's midstream 2 years ago, but got us us to a good bowl, and won the NC last year.

    You know are right...must be the coach's fault, not lack of execution.
  6. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Some people just have to find someone to blame.
  7. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You don't get it and you never will.
  8. DallasLSU

    DallasLSU Founding Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    But identifying the problem by casting the blame in the wrong spot is bull ****. Saying that Jimbo is making bad decisions is bull **** when your offense is inconsistent. Their is only so much a coach can do and people on this board are wrongly blaming the coachs when the real blame lies on execution....

    Saban and Jimbo work all week preparing these guys and when Marcus Randall throw three interceptions by underthrowing/overthrowing the receiver then obviously there are problems beyond coaching...
  9. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    true we have some problems on offense. We did squeek a win out though.

    so we have some problems on offense, this is obviously not one person's fault. It could actually be several things. I don't think we're going to win the NC everyyear, so you bandwagoners might wanna get set...

    Just an observation....
    if fightin tiger were in kid's nusery books he'd be Chicken little. Or eyeore on winnie the pooh. the sky is falling! :dis:
  10. studentsect

    studentsect Founding Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Has anyone considered that the reason Jimbo's game plans looked good last year was because Mauck would audible to something different almost every play, and that last year our offense was physically better than defenses we went up against at almost every single position?

    Our offense has got to be the most predictable big-time offense ever. Run, play-action roll-out, screen. Repeat.

    We have to be losing to Troy before we call a play designed to get someone open, and what happens? TD David Jones.

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