Just ask any Toolame or Auburn fan or any of the fans of teams that we beat. Or you could ask someone in a neutral corner like in the story below. The people of Omaha will tell you just how horrible we are see for yourself :dis: :dis: :dis: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: BAD BAD LSU FANS
LSU fans are horrible...... really? To assume all fans of any program think one way or another is simply asinine. Certain fans of LSU, or any other program, can promote a bad reputation for an entire fanbase. I could make a blanket statement that all LSU fans hate Auburn because of the actions of one individual (Tuberville) but that would be as questionable as stating that all LSU fans are horrible. Of course, you can say anything you want, but it doesn't make it true.
Cadillacattack, you've generally been pretty quick to let LSU fans have it on that nasty Auburn Insiders board. That is easily the most negative, anti LSU board I've visited.
Someone HAS to post the fabled. "My friend got hit in the head with an empty Whiskey Bottle" Thats my favorite, EVERY fan site someone dumba$$ posts that little story. It caught on like wildfire. I assume they can convey two messages with that lie, A we throw things and B we drink. I do get a kick when I read that one thought, it is so absurd its funny.
Sorry StaceyO, but I sota' disagree about that. There have been very few times when I've addressed trangressions by supposed LSU fans on the ITAT board, but there's also nothing wrong with telling it like it is. That being said, we all have our extremists, ITAT included. Anytime you talk smack on an opponent's board, one should expect to get a response - and you must admit that some posters get a perverse pleasure out of going to opponents boards for the sole purpose of stirring things up. On the other hand, good healthy discussion about a variety of CFB-related topics is enjoyable, and is the principal reason why I post here and on a few other boards. So lets talk some football!
Even Auburn posters seem to get blasted on that board, Cadillacattack. You guys certainly do turn on each other. Most posters from opposing teams are not welcomed. Well, except for Southern Cal posters. What's up with making such good friends with a team that cleaned your clocks two years in a row? In defense of many of the LSU posters I've seen flamed (it even happened to me once), it's usually because they are defending our state against claims of being "scum of the earth," etc. Then, their posts are deleted, but the flames against them stay up. The time it happened to me, the posts were especially insulting because they also used lots of negative female stereotypes in response to me...talk football, indeed.
Caddy, You've always been pretty well mannered over here. And while I despise lefire: I really do not have any love lost at Auburn either. That being said it's one thing to flame us fellers but it is the lowest to pick on girls, thats just lame as hell. :dis: I'm not singling you out, just your board. try to be a positive influence on your brethren, who knows maybe you can change them for the better.