During the "Top Plays" on ESPN's Cold Pizza, they just showed a clip of a fan at the Astros v. Reds game, who was wearing a Gold LSU hat, it made the top plays because the guy was holding his infant child in one hand and with the other hand he reached out and snagged a foul ball. Funny clip. Geaux Tigers
you wouldn't happen to know where a link to that might be? I was listening when they showed it at work this morning but I just missed it.
if he had an LSU cap on, a baby in one hand, and catching a ball in the other... what was holding his beer?? :shock:
Hold a minute here...then who was holding hers!!!??? Edit: If I hear one who cares I will find you!!!
Who cares. :hihi: Besides, if she was a half decent wife, she wasn't drinking. Someone has to drive home.
OHHHH!!!! Thats it!!! You've done it now!!!! And I know where you live and fish!!! You are screwed!!:rofl: