Maybe Skipper and Les made a mistake flying to Dallas on Thursday night to lobby for a slot in the Cotton. I don't know if the Tiger players found out about the trip (which implied a lack of confidence in their ability to beat Georgia), but they sure played like it last night. And not only do they not get the Cotton Bowl, they don't even get a January bowl. Plus they have to play with disappointed hearts in the same building they just got demolished in, with a quarterback whose shoulder will be a question mark up until game time (seeing how Les Miles likes to fib and flat-out lie about his team's injuries), with no running game at all, and against a dominant defense that is going to load nine in the box, pressure the Tiger QB, and basically dominate a Tiger team that, it appeared last night, just wants this long season to end. This could be very ugly for Tiger fans. :bncry:
Booo fukking Hooo.... we get to play the in a Bowl between the #9/#10 teams in the nation... on its own night... Huge rating...
hey debbie downer, who cares that the game is in the same building. This game is a chance for the tigers to redeem themselves and show a national audience that the 10-2 record was not a fluke. Even though it is the peach bowl there is still a group of seniors that want to end their LSU careers on a high note, and I couldn't think of a better way than to beat thug u and show those potential recruits in florida where real football is played.
This will be a defense game and whoever commits the least amount of TO's will win. With the poor offense performance we could very easily lose the game. Miami has very little offense and if we lose to them it will be bad news for the future offense of LSU.
The U certainly has a great defence but their offense is offensive in many ways.It will be a game of field positions and might just come down to field goals.I hope Miles is able to get seniors pumped up and ready for their last game.A win certainly boast the national Image of the school,confrence and the players entering the NFL draft.
This is actually better than we could've hoped for. Miami, regardless of a lackluster year, is a NAME team. If we beat them, we will get more mileage out of beating the Hurricanes than if we'd have beaten WVA in the Sugar Bowl. Next year, no one will remember what bowl game it was, but an LSU win over Miami will give us some "extra credit" in the small minds of the media going into the '06 season. They will NOT give UGA any credit for having beaten WVA--much like no one ever cared that we killed Illinois (who?) after the '01 season. The Peach Bowl must be incredibly excited about the match-up.
Why do so many people have a problem with the fact they made a trip to the Cotton Bowl? Seriously. Miles said he knows some of the people there and so he figured he'd tag along as extra help to try and get the team a bigger payday/better bowl IF...repeat IF...UGA gets the win. So many reference this trip like he was conceding the game or throwing in the towel before it started. I'd say Miles did the right thing. Sure, he wanted the team to win, but might as well cover all the bases you can...why is that so difficult to understand?
well said. i totally agree. the irony. win and play wv or lose and play miami. if somebody told me at the start of the season we'd play miami in a bowl game, i'd take it in a minute. of course, i'd be thinking all along that it's for the National Championship. in fact, besides the prestige crap, there isn't a better opponent that we could have played if we were in any of the other SEC tie in bowls.
hey that's a great way to look at it, never thought about it that way but by golly You're right! :thumb:
You would rather have a good game than get $14,000,000? Sometimes it seems that is all anyone is playing for (the $$$'s). That is why instead of great intersectional games, we get directional schools on schedules.