I just got back from playing ball at the rec and the entire basketball team showed up and played on the court next to me. While I was waiting for the next game I watched them play 5 on 5. Few things of note.... Glen Davis lost like 20 pounds. Tyrus Thomas is BADASS! Ya boy can fly and I didn't see him miss a shot. Tasmin Mitchell, probably the most smooth person on the court with the basketball and he doesn't miss much either. There was also so huuge guy (freshmen maybe?) guarding Davis, who showed some down low skill.
Of course, those guys looked good just playing ball on their own. Keep those images in your mind, then compare them to what shows up in October after a few weeks of 'Brady Indoctrination.'
thanks for the report..... my question: Which one of those guys will be the first to defect/transfer?
Thanks for the report. I was wondering if Minor was out there and also if Voogd was out there. Your report concentrated on the frontcourt, which I appreciate, but I'm not as worried about that as the guard play. Do you have any comments related to the backcourt play? Thanks And I can't stand Brady, but news like this isn't the easiest to come by, so it would be nice to read one of these threads without touching on that part of the program, i.e. without some of the above comments.
I dont think we need to jump to conclusions just yet. Give Brady the benefit until someone does leave.
I'm certainly looking forward to basketball season. I love LSU basketball season. College Bball is my favorite collegiate sport.
LSU must be one of the worst places to coach in the country. Some of the so called fans have no clue what it is to support your team.
Did this post just show up magically from like 7 years ago? That is the only way it would make sense.
Stop making such generalizations. People who blindly support and don't have the balls to make changes when necessary are just as bad as the ones who want to fire everyone. The voice of reason lies somewhere in the middle.
I've had season tickets for the last 10 years and been going to the games since I was a kid........ I "support" LSU. I pull for Tigers every game... SabanFan continues to trash other LSU fans yet he goes to 0 football games and he probably never attends the basketball games either. He lives 35 minutes away........ I "supported" John Brady for a long time. It's quite obvious if LSU wants to make the same commitment to winning in basketball like we did in football it's time to move in another direction. John did a fantastic job leading the Tigers during the probation years, imo. I know the difference between chicken salad and chicken $hit.