How long is it gonna take those in charge to realize that Brady is not a very good coach. This team has no discipline and players are constantly taking shots at random. Well coached teams set the play up, we play street ball. It doesn't appear that Brady has much authority over this team. I question his recruiting ability when he can't even keep the top Louisiana recruits at home. One final four in 9 seasons is nothing to celebrate. The guy is too soft. It's obvious that Thomas was the reason we made the final four last season and not the coaching. He leaves and we fall out of the top 25.
Before he took LSU to the Final Four I would have joined you. But a trip to the FF entitles him to a bit of a break. Let's see what happens next year.
No, I'm not one of the Brady Bashers. I just enjoy the threads about it. A Final Four trip earns a coach a free pass from me for a LONG time. Especially since I don't fanatically follow college b-ball in the regular season.