I've been going to LSU games since I was 4 years old. My first memory of Tiger Stadium was walking through the hot sweaty interior of the stadium into the brilliant display of purple and gold of the west end seats then walking the steps of section 18 up to row t where it seemed as though I was standing on top of the world. The grass appeared too green, as if not to be real. I immediately recognized something special about the band playing prior to the game. Goosebumps were raised by the next year and have not failed me since. I grew up in a family with four sisters and my Dad had only 4 tickets which meant there was always a battle to determine who would get to go to the next home game. When I hit my teen years my enthusiasm for LSU intensified. My sisters headed off for Baton Rouge for college which meant more games for me. I vividly remember sneaking over to student section to visit them and indulging myself in the vices of college life a little prematurely. This insanity continued through my college years in Baton Rouge. Like alot of LSU students, I'm sure, my recollection of games is somewhat foggy. Medical school at LSU in NO brought more of the fun. Had to leave the states for a few years but always kept up with the team and made a few away games. I now have two girls. The youngest is 6. I sit in the very same seats as I did 35 years ago . My daughter has now been to about 8 games. What is cool is that she has the same enthusiasm for LSU football as I did at that age and have to this day. I'm being very serious. She cheers and yells as loud as anyone in the section. She knows the cheers and taunts opposing fans (although I don't think anyone feels "threatened"). I don't force her into doing any of this and my older daughter does not have the same intensity. Last game, without prompting, she pointed to the student section and asked, " Daddy, why can't we sit over there. Those people look like they are having fun". I had mixed emotions about that one. What I'm getting at is I'm beginning to wonder if there is some genetic link to diehard LSU fans. I know it flies in the face of scientific logic but I'm just not sure. Anyway it is special to experience your child indulging in your own "acceptable" indulgences. For all you young people out there who love LSU football, I've got some good news for you. It actually can get better when you can share the entire experience with one of your children. People, LSU rules!
I remember listening to LSU on 870 in the mid to late 70's when Hokie Gagan was playing. We were living in Denver. Pretty amazing what 870 can do at night in the clear Rocky Mountain air. We went to see LSU kick the University of Co.'s ass in Boulder in '77? I believe it was 66 to 6? We moved back to LA in 1980, and had season ticks ever since. The 1982 team is still one of my favorites. One of my best memories is the 52 - 13 beating of the Seminoles for the Orange Bowl berth (the fog game, with oranges pelting the field). I now have two young kids, and consistent access to two good tickets (sometimes more depending on what extended family is fighting for our other tickets). I have to rotate my kids and wife, and my kids are already brainwashed in the way of the puple and gold. This is a passion that definitely passes generation to generation.
Well I have two nephews and the youngest one who is 4 loves to get my dad's LSU hats and chant "I'm a LSU Tiger" but sadly my older nephew who is 7, his favorite team is Arkansas. He gets that from his dad who is from Arkansas. I figure once I get a couple years removed from college I will try and get one of them to a couple LSU games. Them being in Shreveport and me in Baton Rouge doesn't make it real convieient to take them to games.
My dad has a tshirt that he made that says "Bring Cholly Mac Back." He wore it to games the years after the help mac pac fiasco. Growing up my parents used to tell me Bo Rein's plane crash story before I went to bed. It was my favorite. I also remember watching the game the night Gerry D brought the magic back to Tiger Stadium. My sister who was at LSU law at the time got me a The Magic is back in Tiger Stadium shirt. I still wear it to every game, and will never wear anoter shirt to a game.
The score was 55-21 in that game when the oranges rained in Tiger Stadium. Awesome game with over 1000 yards of total offense between the Tigers and the Criminoles.
My Dad was a big Tiger fan like I am but my brother never got into it and dosen't even watch all the TV games but he will listen to it on the radio if he is not doing something else. Neither one of my nephews has ever been to a game in Tiger Stadium although they have been to a few basketball games. The oldest nephew's 12th birthday is this coming Sunday. He told me he wants a dirt bike for his birthday but there is no way. Even if I was willing to buy him a dirt bike my brother would shoot me if I did. I think I would be doing him and his 10 year old brother a big favor if I took them to this weeks game.
I'm 26 and my dad asked recently if sending me to Dale Brown's basketball camp for 3 yrs when I was 13-15 influenced my decision to go to LSU or made me more of a Tiger fan. I said no. I've bled purple & gold since I was born (or so it seems) and would've been a Tiger fan even if I attended ULL, ULM, Tech, etc. That's probably why all these schools have the envy. There are Tiger fans everywhere in LA. Actually there are Tiger fans across the country. I doubt there are alumni chapters for ULL, ULM, Tech in Chicago, Houston, NY, etc. like LSU.