66-55 LSU with 1:12 left Hawthorne says Tigers deserve "a big pat on the back" for the game they've played tonight And JOB with the SLAM puts the nail in the coffin!!!
Comments from Tiger fans: Tigers looking good. Booooom. great win!! Giggity johnny jones has done a helluva job Hell of a win boys! Glad to have CJJ What Johnny has done is pretty remarkable Great win. YES! I was very wrong about JJ, dude has done a hell of a job Awesome win Tigers. My God this Johnny Jones coached ball club is so much more fun to watch than anything in we've had since 2008. Amazing. I can't wait for Sat! I wanna beat those Black Bears sooo bad! I want 19-10 and 10-8 sec. Beat ole mrs!! Jjones has made it fun to watch I was less than thrilled with the Jones hire, but I'm gladly eating my words. What a great win. I love watching this team play. Such a great group of players who have really come together and overcome adversity as the season progresses. They never give up. You never see egos coming out on the court. It all falls back on CJJ and getting them to buy into what he's selling. Awesome win!!! Great Win Very happy where this program is going!!! I am so proud of this team. I don't think I could be any more proud of them if they were 25-5 and undefeated in the SEC.
I'm not jumping on the Johnny Jones bandwagon just yet until he has another couple of seasons under his belt, but this far exceeds anyone's expectations given the circumstances.
More comments from Tiger fans: Relevant again, got to love it! I'm very happy Definitely earned my respect!! Damn it's great to have this feeling in basketball again. I can't wait until the SECT. They are a fun team to watch incredibly impressive CJJ has done wonders. Another great hire. A huge improvement. These guys have so far exceeded expectations. Don't forget starting out SEC play 0-4 and many people doubting the way we were looking. Every single player has stepped up and contributed in big games. They play harder than any team I see on t.v, its almost brutal watching them cause its so intense the entire game. As fans we couldn't ask for a team to represent the University is a better way. Our Men's Basketball team has absolutely worked their asses off these past six weeks, winning 9 of their last 13 games. This team deserves nothing less than a sell out crowd this Saturday. Bought 5 tickets for the family today. Couldn't ask for a better regular season finale than to travel to BR to see LSU close against Ole Miss. I'm coming in from Houston for the game. Gonna take my niece & nephew. I can't wait!!! Love watching them play. Couldn't be prouder of how hard those guys bust their asses. I'm proud of this team Really proud of this team and Johnny Jones. Future is bright.